Info Aktuelles
The symposium serves as a forum to explore the current state of international climate justice and climate change adaptation measures. Three key segments are held in Bremerhaven (on foundations, political mechanisms, and implementation), while an optional German-language component is held in the City of Bremen (see the link on the programme: ).
See also the Reporting by Climate Change networks about the Klimahaus Bremerhaven Symposium:
See the Proceedings of the Conference:
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) presents a new online course on Climate Change Science & Negotiations, taught by Professor Jeffrey Sachs and Emmanuel Guerin. The purpose is to introduce students to the complex science and policy environment underpinning the global climate change dialogue.
See on other courses and programmes related to climate change and sustainable development:
SDSN is a Global Initiative for the United Nations. It works on the Agenda 2030 to implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in September 2015. The SDGs cover address the challenges of economic development, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and good governance.
Conference Dates: 5 - 6 September 2014
Conference Venue: Scandic Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki, Finland
This conference on ‘Inequality – measurement, trends, impacts, and policies’ focuses on the latest developments in the measurement of inequality in income, wealth, and human development, drawing also on advances in measurements in the advanced economies.
Details about the conference are available at:
Papers are available for download at:
Fachtreffen des Berlin-Instituts für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung am 10. Oktober 2014 in Darmstadt.
Programm des Fachtreffens:
Kurzer Bericht über die Ergebnisse:
Diskussionspapier zum Thema (Link):
Wie Nahrungsmittelproduktion und erneuerbare Energien Entwicklung beschleunigen können
von Franziska Woellert und Reiner Klingholz
Diskussionspapier als PDF:
Dates: 8 - 9 July 2014
Venue: German Development Institute (GDI)/ Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in Bonn
This is a conference jointly organized by three institutions: German Development Institute (GDI) / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), the Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group of the University of Wageningen & the Community of Practice KM4 Dev
From the organizers in their statement about the event:
“For nearly two decades now we have seen increasing consideration of knowledge and learning being at the core of development. However, the chances offered by this new development are not being optimally exploited. Knowledge managers, information managers, facilitators, knowledge brokers, etc. are still more occupied with justifying their existence than with galvanizing the lessons we have learned from past mistakes. The management of development cooperation is still top-down, with allusions to the donors knowing it all and the recipients knowing hardly anything.”
Report about the Conference:
Das Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin lädt zum Festival “20 Jahre Demokratie in Südafrika” ein.
Termin: 28. – 31. August 2014
Das Festival dient dazu, die erfolgreiche demokratische Entwicklung und den tiefgreifenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel seit den ersten freien Parlamentswahlen im April 1994 nachzuzeichnen und zudem eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme vorzunehmen. Kulturschaffende und Akteure aus Bildung, Wirtschaft und Rechtswesen werden sich mit dem Weg aus der Apartheid bis in das heutige Südafrika auseinanderseztzen.
Programmflyer (vgl.):
Programm und Bericht (vgl.):
Die Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) lädt ein zu einer Podiumsdiskussion/FES invites to a panel discussion:
“All’s well that ends well? The decisive phase of the EPA negotiations with Africa”
Location: FES Berlin, Hiroshimastraße 28
Date: 3 June 2014, 17 pm
A high level panel discussion will take place on the final negotiations towards the conclusion of EPAs between EU and African regional groupings. ECOWAS and the EU have agreed on an EPA in early 2014.
A partner of the event is INISA (Initiative Südliches Afrika e. V., Berlin); see more information about this event:
Programme (see the website):
Conference Theme: Advancing Evidence-Based Solutions for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Date: September 17 - 18, 2014
Venue: Columbia University in New York City
Organizers: Global Association of Master’s in Development Practice (MDP) and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Focus: There will be discussions about practical solutions to address the complex challenges of sustainable development at local, regional, and global levels. It is an aim of the conference to share and to identify practical, evidence-based solutions.
More information (see the website of ICSDP):
See also the information on the annual International Conference On Sustainable Development (ICSD):
The aim of the annual conference is it to identify and share practical, evidence-based solutions that can support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Double Degree Master programme Düsseldorf/Tamale aims at qualifying for activities in human rights protection, development cooperation, and international social work. The programme is organised by Prof. Dr. Agnes Atia Apusigah, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana and Prof. Dr. Walter Eberlei, Fachhochschule Düsseldorf. In this Double Degree Master two Master programmes are integrated: the Master Empowerment Studies of the Fachhochschule Düsseldorf (FHD) and the Master Development Education of the University for Development Studies (UDS), Tamale, Ghana.
More Information on the Programme (see website):
Course programme (see the PDF):