IWIM Japanisch
Institute for World Economics and International Management (IWIM)
・ 経済的な背景
- ・ 重点課題
時代が求める多種多様な課題に取り組むことを目的とする当研究所にあって、経営と国民経済の研究は、専門教育、セミナー・会議の開催と並ぶもう一つの主要な支柱をなすものです。IWIMは、その成果を、随時、特別な研究プロジェクトの研究発表として、また、特定の地域研究とその実証に重点を置いた研究論文として定期的に公表しています(例えば、東西ヨーロッパ、アフリカ、日本、インドそして中国といった地域研究、規制(Regulierung)、交通制度(Verkehrswesen)に関する諸研究、そしてシュンペーター(Schumpeter, Joseph Alois)研究などがそれに当ります)。さらに、『世界経済会議報告』(„Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium“)、『大学の論点「国際経済関係と国際経営」の資料』(„Materialien aus dem Universitätsschwerpunkt ‘Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und Internationales Management’“)ならびに『中国研究報告』(„Berichte des Arbeitsbereiches Chinaforschung “)を研究所独自の出版物として刊行し、時事的な問題を取り扱うとともに、ミクロもしくはマクロ経済的な諸関係の分析を行っています。——————————————————————————————
・ 研究所指導陣
◦ アクセル・ゼル教授 Prof. Dr. Axel Sell
◦ カール・ヴォールムート教授 Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth
Tel. 0421 / 218 66517 (Professor Wohlmuth)
Tel. 0421 / 218 66516 (Professor Sell)
E-Mail iwim@uni-bremen.de
Homepage des IWIM: www.iwim.uni-bremen.de
住所 Universität Bremen
Postfach(郵便私書箱) 33 04 40
28334 Bremen
A Follow-up Report by Professor Dr. Chunji Yun about his Sabbatical at the University of Bremen: New research reports were published on “Germany’s Export Growth and the Changing Demand Structures”
Professor Dr. Chunji Yun (from the Department of Economics, Seinan Gakuin University, Japan) was invited by the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies of the University of Bremen (at the initiative of Professor Karl Wohlmuth who was a host of the Japanese Professor already many years ago at IWIM) to spend his sabbatical in Bremen for a research on “Transforming the European Social and Economic Model in the Enlarged EU from a Viewpoint of the Production and Employment Regime”. Professor Yun was with his family in Bremen during the period of 1st September, 2017 to 31st August, 2018. It was agreed at the start of the research work in Bremen that Professor Yun’s work would more specifically focus on employment regimes and international production networks which are organized in automotive and electronics industries across Germany and the four Visegrád countries (labelled hereafter as V4). He has presented during his stay three Progress Reports and a Final Research Report addressed to the Faculty via Professor Karl Wohlmuth (see the Final Research Report to the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies at the University of Bremen).
Now he reports on the publications which were written recently at home in Japanese language (see below):
Yun, Chunji (2019) “Doitsu no Yushutsu- Seicho to Juyo-Kozo no Henka (Ⅰ): Posuto-Fodoshugi ‘Seicho-Model’- Ron no Kento,” Seinan Gakuin Daigaku Keizaigaku Ronshu, Dai 53 Kan Dai 3・4 Gappei-Go (Title Translated in English: “German Export Growth and Changing Demand Structure (Ⅰ): Review of Post-Fordist ‘Growth Models’,” The Economic Review of Seinan Gakuin University, Vol.53, No.3-4.)
Yun, Chunji (2019) “Doitsu no Yushutsu- Seicho to Juyo-Kozo no Henka (Ⅱ): Tayoka-Kohinshitsu-Seisan to Sekai-Keizai no Saihen,” Seinan Gakuin Daigaku Keizaigaku Ronshu, Dai 54 Kan Dai 1・2 Gappei-Go (Title Translated in English: “German Export Growth and Changing Demand Structure (Ⅱ): Diversified Quality Production and Reconfiguration of the World Economy,” The Economic Review of Seinan Gakuin University, Vol.54, No.1-2)
In his Third Progress Report (of June 19, 2018) Professor Yun gave details about his discussion of Professor H. W. Sinn’s Bazaar Economy approach to explain the export boom of Germany. Professor Yun is critically assessing the scientific positions of German economics and sociology professors on the role of the German manufacturing firms in global and regional value chains and the impact on value capture in the chains. His scientific interest is in the accumulation and financialization of profits, on the labour costs and wage structures, and on current and future industrial and employment relations.
See on the earlier (and somewhat related) studies of Professor Yun at IWIM in the three series of IWIM publications where he has contributed: http://www.iwim.uni-bremen.de/schriftenreihe_des_iwim/, and: http://www.iwim.uni-bremen.de/weisse_reihe/, and: http://www.iwim.uni-bremen.de/blaue_reihe/. Further studies from the Japanese Professor regarding his most recent research period in Bremen are expected also to appear in English language versions and translations. Also other Japanese professors have contributed to the IWIM Publication Series (see http://www.iwim.uni-bremen.de/index.php?content=316&lng=de). The cooperation between the University of Bremen and universities in Japan started with the Collaborative Research and Exchange Project “Schumpeter and the Asian Crisis” of IWIM at the University of Bremen and Aichi University in Toyohashi, Japan.