STI Policies Tunisia

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Starting Points for a National Employment Strategy for Tunisia

Professor Karl Wohlmuth is co-author of a new study on employment creation in Tunisia. This is a reworked version of the study which was published in 2016 in German, Arabic and French languages. Main issue is how to develop a new employment strategy for Tunisia amidst dangers of increasing unemployment and spreading political instability. The authors provide a frame for employment policies consisting of three strategic elements. Element One considers the long overdue need for a pro-active policy towards small and medium enterprises in Tunisia. Element Two addresses the need to integrate Tunisian enterprises in a more effective way into global and regional value chains. Element Three focuses on the need to start a broad-based reindustrialization process in Tunisia and to manage in a better way the deindustrialization process in the field of old industries. Also the trade policy and implementation issues of the proposed strategy are discussed. There is a great interest of Tunisian policymakers in this strategic approach towards employment creation. Governmental and non-governmental institutions in Tunisia and various donor agencies are working now on solid foundations for a an operational employment strategy and policy for Tunisia. The Council of Economic Advisers of Tunisia has established a working group on these issues. Despite of the importance of the employment issue not too many studies were done so far on employment policies for Tunisia.

Photo: More Jobs, Higher Wages Essential for Tunisian Growth, Middle East Institute, May 20, 2016

The National Dialogue on Employment of March 2016 raised the issue of employment creation again and presented an Eleven-Point Plan, and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon emphasized during the meeting the necessity to keep the theme of job creation at the centre of policymaking to preserve Tunisia’s democratic gains (see the report by Mabrouka M’Barek: More Jobs, Higher Wages Essential for Tunisian Growth, Middle East Institute, May 20, 2016, Web Access:

The four versions of the study by the three development economists:

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The Study:
Bass, Hans-Heinrich; Kappel, Robert; Wohlmuth, Karl

Starting points for a national employment strategy for Tunisia / Hans-Heinrich Bass, Robert Kappel und Karl Wohlmuth. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dep. for Middle East and North Africa, April 2017. - 17 Seiten = 250 KB, PDF-File. - (Study / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
Einheitssacht.: Ansatzpunkte einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien . -
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2017
ISBN 978-3-95861-753-7


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The Study:

Bass, Hans-Heinrich; Kappel, Robert; Wohlmuth, Karl
[Approches relatives à une stratégie nationale pour l'emploi en Tunisie / Hans-Heinrich Bass, Robert Kappel und Karl Wohlmuth]. - [Tunis : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Projet Regional "Politiques Economiques pour la justice sociale", Décembre 2016]. - 16 Seiten = 340 KB, PDF-File. -
Einheitssacht.: Ansatzpunkte einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien . -
Electronic ed.: Tunis : FES, 2017. - Arabic text and script


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The Study:

Bass, Hans-Heinrich; Kappel, Robert; Wohlmuth, Karl
Approches relatives à une stratégie nationale pour l'emploi en Tunisie / Hans-Heinrich Bass, Robert Kappel und Karl Wohlmuth. - Tunis : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Projet Regional "Politiques Economiques pour la justice sociale", Décembre 2016. - 16 Seiten = 125 KB, PDF-File. - (Étude / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
Einheitssacht.: Ansatzpunkte einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien . -
Electronic ed.: Tunis : FES, 2017




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The Study:

Bass, Hans-Heinrich; Kappel, Robert; Wohlmuth, Karl
Ansatzpunkte einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien / Hans-Heinrich Bass, Robert Kappel und Karl Wohlmuth. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Naher / Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika, November 2016. - 17 Seiten = 215 KB, PDF-File. - (Studie / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2016
ISBN 978-3-95861-599-1

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Advising on African and Global Studies: Research Projects, International Guest Researchers, Global Conferences, Evaluations, Publications

Professor Karl Wohlmuth was in recent months active as an adviser to research projects, conferences and publications (see some projects below):

Professor Wohlmuth was invited by the President of the UN Economic and Social Council to participate at the Global ECOSOC Conference in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe as a speaker on “Industrialization based on Agricultural Development”. Global Meetings in Dakar, Victoria Falls and New York City emphasize the role of Sustainable Development Goal Nine (SDG 9) on Sustainable Industrialization, Infrastructure Development and Innovation. This will be an  ongoing task of ECOSOC. ECOSOC has the lead in implementing the 17 SDGs.

Guest researcher Professor Reuben A. Alabi extends his research stay in Bremen for three more years. The new Research Programme for 2018-2020 was recently presented as a Letter of Intentions and discussed with Professor Wohlmuth.  It has three major components, comprising major policy issues of agroindustry development in Nigeria (Crop productivity, Public expenditure for agriculture at state level, and Combatting youth unemployment through agriculture development).

Professor Alabi was appointed in March 2017 as a Full Professor of Agricultural Economics at Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria. The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies of the  University of Bremen, Professor Jochen Zimmermann, had extended the invitation. Professor Wohlmuth is working as a consultant and senior project adviser in these projects.

Preparations are ongoing for the research visit of Professor Chunji Yun, Faculty of Economics, Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka-City, Japan. He will work for a year in Bremen on the research topic of “Production Integration and Labour Market Interdependencies in the European Union.” This is his second research visit at IWIM for a period of one year. The Dean has extended an invitation to him for a year.

Further on, Professor Wohlmuth has advised the research project of Yves Bagna who has constructed a new “Porter Competitiveness Index”, based on Porter’s Diamond Theory. Throughout the research period Professor Wohlmuth was the main adviser to the project. The book is now published by the Research Institute of IWVWW e. V. at Berlin, and further essays on the methodology are forthcoming. Yves Bagna has also compared the new “Porter Competitiveness Index” with the long-established “Global Competitiveness Index” of the Word Economic Forum. Yves Bagna, an engineer and economist from Cameroon, has during his research also visited the Institute of Professor Michael Porter at the Harvard Business School.

Also, Professor Wohlmuth was active to review a chapter for a new UNIDO book about Industrialization in Africa, in his function as the lead author of the chapter. He has also revised and extended a background paper on the issues for UNIDO.

In addition, Professor Wohlmuth has peer-reviewed articles for international and African journals, such as the prestigious journal Comparative Economic Studies. As the number of African refereed journals increases, the demand for evaluations rises. Members of the Research Group on African Development Perspectives Bremen are invited to support such activities.

Work on the volumes 20 and 21 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook is progressing. On Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policies in Sudan, a cooperation is under way with Professor Samia Satti Nour from the University of Khartoum, a leading international expert on STI policies. The Cooperation, which is targeting on issues of “Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Sudan”, is advancing towards a separate Unit (a collection of papers) in Volume 20. A Unit on “STI Frameworks for Africa” is prepared in Cooperation with Patrick N. Osakwe, UNCTAD, Geneva and Nazar Hassan, UNESCO, Cairo. A Unit on STI Policies in Nigeria is done in cooperation with Professor Alabi. Other Units will be prepared on issues of Human Resources Development and STI, on STI Policies in North Africa, and on Publications on STI Policies: Book Reviews and Book Notes.

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) Tunisia has published four language versions (English, French, Arabic, German) of a study on “Elements of an Employment Strategy for Tunisia”. Professor Wohlmuth is one of the three authors, a joint work of three development economists working on Africa since decades.

Various publications were released by Professor Wohlmuth on the middle class in Africa, on deindustrialization and reindustrialization in Tunisia, on transformative regional integration in Africa, and on guidelines for policymakers in Africa to promote global and regional value chains.

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Ansatzpunkte einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien

Die drei Entwicklungsökonomen Hans-Heinrich Bass (Bremen), Robert Kappel (Hamburg/Berlin) und Karl Wohlmuth (Bremen) haben im Auftrag der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Tunesien eine Studie zu den Ansatzpunkten einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien verfasst. Angesichts der wachsenden Arbeitslosigkeit und der Ineffektivität der nationalen Beschäftigungspolitik in Tunesien sind Impulse für eine Neuorientierung in der derzeitigen Entwicklungsphase des Landes besonders wichtig (vgl. dazu die Links zur FES Tunesien: und zur digitalen Bibliothek der FES: ).

Aus der Studie zitiert:

„Wirtschaftliche Probleme und soziale Ungerechtigkeiten lösten im Jahr 2011 die Revolution in Tunesien aus. Seither hat sich viel in Tunesien getan; die demokratische Entwicklung des Landes wird international gelobt. Doch wirtschaftliche Reformen wurden bislang kaum unternommen. Insbesondere junge Tunesier_innen und Bewohner_innen des Landesinneren warten noch immer auf eine wirtschaftliche und soziale »Dividende« der Revolution. Ohne neue Impulse in der Beschäftigungspolitik gerät der politische Prozess in Tunesien in Gefahr.

Die beste Form, um langfristige soziale Gerechtigkeit und gesellschaftliche Stabilität zu erreichen, ist durch gute, würdige und fair entlohnte Arbeit. In Tunesien herrscht jedoch schon seit langem Unterbeschäftigung und der Anteil prekärer Jobs nimmt rasch zu. Viele Hochschul- und Berufsschulabsolvent_innen finden keine adäquaten Jobs, wohingegen viele andere im stetig wachsenden informellen Sektor tätig sind. Aus diesem Grund braucht Tunesien dringend eine neue Industriepolitik und eine umfassende Beschäftigungsstrategie.

Auswege aus der Beschäftigungskrise Tunesiens sind möglich. Eine effektive Beschäftigungspolitik setzt jedoch die Stärkung des Unternehmenssektors voraus, insbesondere durch die Förderung kleinerer und mittlerer Unternehmen. Darüber hinaus sind neue Formen der Integration der tunesischen Wirtschaft in regionale und globale Wertschöpfungsketten durchzusetzen. Nur durch eine breit angelegte Reindustrialisierung können die nötigen Jobs geschaffen und nachhaltig gesichert werden.“

Erstens werden in der Studie Grundlagen einer kohärenten, inklusiven und nachhaltigen Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik für Tunesien vorgestellt. Dabei kommen der Privatsektor-Entwicklung und dem inklusiven Wachstum besondere Bedeutung zu. Die Dynamik in urbanen Zentren ist für die Beschäftigungsschaffung und für ein inklusives Wachstum stärker zu nutzen. Eine neue Industriepolitik kann inklusives Wachstum und Beschäftigungsschaffung unterstützen. Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen müssen anders als bisher offensiv gefördert werden.

Zweitens legt die Studie dar, dass die Integration Tunesiens in globale und regionale Wertschöpfungsketten durch wirtschafts- und handelspolitische Maßnahmen deutlich verbessert werden kann. Ein großes Beschäftigungspotential einer vertieften Integration ist erkennbar. Allerdings sind industriepolitische Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche globale und regionale Integration erst noch zu schaffen. Die einseitige und enge Konzentration in sektoraler und geographischer Hinsicht ist zu überwinden.

Drittens zeigt die Studie, dass Auswege aus der Beschäftigungskrise möglich sind, wenn durch eine nationale Beschäftigungsstrategie die fehlende Dynamik der Arbeitsmärkte korrigiert wird. Aber auch ein neues Management der De-Industrialisierung ist notwendig, weil in den letzten Jahren viele Jobs im Sektor der verarbeitenden Industrie verloren gegangen sind. Die Beschäftigungskrise kann überwunden werden, wenn eine neue Industriepolitik die Möglichkeiten der Reindustrialisierung ausschöpft. Die Beschäftigungsschaffung in Tunesien kann durch vier Pfade der Reindustrialisierung voran gebracht werden. Schließlich sind aber Ausrichtung und Umsetzung der Beschäftigungsstrategie als gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe zu verstehen; alle Stakeholder des Beschäftigungssystems müssen beteiligt werden, um einen Erfolg zu ermöglichen.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bibliographische Angaben zur Studie:

Ansatzpunkte einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien / Hans-Heinrich Bass, Robert Kappel und Karl Wohlmuth. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Naher / Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika, November 2016. - 17 Seiten = 215 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2016, ISBN 978-3-95861-599-1

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung/FES International Naher/Mittlerer Osten Nordafrika:

Die Studie wird derzeit ins Französische und ins Arabische übersetzt.

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New Research Report on Employment Policies in Tunisia: Managing Deindustrialization and Initiating Reindustrialization
In a new Research Report Professor Karl Wohlmuth outlines Elements of a New Employment Strategy for Tunisia. The Report is a Background Paper for a Consultancy Study on Approaches to initiate a National Employment Strategy for Tunisia.

Tunisia is five years after the Arab Spring Revolution in the process of reforming its development model and especially so its employment policy and the related institutions. High overall unemployment rates and high unemployment rates among the graduates of tertiary and vocational education institutions reveal that the economy is not absorbing adequately its skilled labour force. In demand  is in Tunisia unskilled labour and low skilled labour as these groups of the labour force have much smaller unemployment rates. The production system is since decades biased towards sectors, activities and processes which require low skilled and cheap labour. The reasons are that Tunisia has managed rather badly its deindustrialization process, the decline of the manufacturing share in GDP and the decline of the manufacturing share in overall employment. Improving the management of deindustrialization would require that the labour market and investment laws and regulations are adapted, that the STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) system is adjusted, that the tertiary and vocational education systems are reformed, and that the social security system is streamlined.


 Source: North Country Public Radio/ (Arab Spring Anniversary)

Intentions to reform the development model and its institutions are there, but the political process prevents concrete actions. Also, in order to increase the demand for skilled people who are unemployed or working under precarious conditions, the country needs to initiate a reindustrialization process. In the Research Report four paths of reindustrialization are discussed and contrasted: First, reindustrialization via the promotion of competitive value chains in other economic sectors than manufacturing (agriculture, services, mining, etc.) is a promising route which could create a great number of jobs. Obviously, the sector policies are not employment-promoting. Second, reindustrialization via exploiting the potential for manufacturing in remote regions of the country (as manufacturing is largely concentrated in some coastal regions) is another viable option. Regional development incentives have obviously not worked towards creating employment in manufacturing sectors through a new inter-regional division of labour. Third, reindustrialization via new forms of integration into global value chains is a further important option. Tunisia has a large number of scientists and researchers and around 700 science, research & development institutions, but does not exploit this potential for global value chains which put to use the skills base and the research potential of the country. Fourth, Tunisia has great opportunities to reindustrialize via the development of “green growth industries” as the protection of its natural resources is important for sustainable development. In various environment-sensitive sectors employment can be generated through “green growth initiatives”. Examples are areas such as organic agriculture, ecotourism and sustainable tourism, sustainable construction, and a better management of solid waste. All these areas offer a lot of opportunities up to new value chains and an increase in the demand for skills.

The Research Report is a Background Study, being part of a Joint Consultancy Contract. It is expected that short and long versions of the study can be published soon. The study relates also to the ongoing work on economic reforms in Tunisia by Karl Wohlmuth (see Publications Wohlmuth and STI Policies Tunisia: ).

Reference to the Study:

Wohlmuth, Karl, 2016, Ansatzpunkte einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien (Orientations for a New Employment Strategy for Tunisia), Teil 1 (Part 1): Management von De-Industrialisierung und Initiierung von Politiken der Reindustrialisierung (Management of Deindustrialization and Initiation of Policies at Reindustrialization), Forschungsbericht im Ökonomische Reformen in Tunesien-Projekt (Research Report in the Project Economic Reforms in Tunisia), diverse Lang- und Kurzfassungen des Forschungsberichts werden veröffentlicht (various long and short versions of the Research Report will be published soon), Manuskript (Manuscript), 45 Seiten (pages), unveröffentlichter Text (unpublished text), erscheint im Dezember 2016 als Nummer 127 der Blauen Discussion Papers Reihe des IWIM der Universität Bremen (forthcoming as Number 127 of the Blue Series Discussion Papers, IWIM, University of Bremen, 45 pages,  December 2016), unter dem Titel/under the title: Das Management der De-Industrialisierung und die Initiierung von Politiken der Reindustrialisierung. Elemente einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien (The Management of De-Industrialization and the Initiation of Policies for Reindustrialization. Elements of a National Employment Strategy for Tunisia).

Link zu den Publikationen/ Link to the Publications (vgl./see: Publications Wohlmuth) und/and Link zum Tunesien-Projekt/ Link to the Tunisia Project (vgl./see: )

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Reindustrialization of Tunisia: Towards equitable and sustainable development, and further democracy, Conference in Hammamet, 12-13 February 2016
The Conference on “Reindustrialization of Tunisia” in Hammamet, which was organized by our Tunisian partners ENIT and TAASTI in Tunis, was a success (see the Programme PDF ReindusConf-Booklet and the Abstracts PDF Wohlmuth-Abstracts). The DAAD has financed the participation of eight researchers from Bremen, mainly from the University of Bremen. The theme of “Reindustrialization of Tunisia” was discussed by Tunisian and German economists. Also representatives of Tunisian Ministries, Employers Federations, Private Businesses and NGOs were invited as speakers. The whole conference was  recorded by the TAASTI team so as to have lecture material for the ETP Master course at ENIT in Tunis. As the employment situation is quite serious in Tunisia, especially so the situation of the youth and of the academic and vocational training graduates, the discussion about reindustrialization and employment generation options was timely.


The Conference Delegates Met at the Sentido Phenicia Hotel  in Hammamet, Tunisia


The Conference started with a panel discussion. The panellists, among them Professor Karl Wohlmuth from the University of Bremen and Professor Hans-Heinrich Bass from the University of Applied Sciences Bremen, discussed about the “Role of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for Reindustrialization in Tunisia”. Professor Karl Wohlmuth emphasized ten key global industrial megatrends, as industrial development is shaped by strong global driving forces, such as digitalization, miniaturization, multi-faceted globalization, deeper forms of global value chain networking, intelligent (smart) specialization, use and spread of green technologies, industrial production through new technologies for saving resources, recycling and reusing materials, adapting to diversified and rapidly changing consumer preferences, and new forms of flexible production and labour use.


The Panellists discuss about the “Role of STI for Reindustrialization in Tunisia”


A representative from the Ministry of Industry spoke about new industrial policy initiatives in Tunisia. Although the Ministry of Industry has in some industrial policy areas a lead role, many other Ministries and Agencies have a say on industrial development. Therefore, Policy Forums were considered as important so as to address the inter-sectoral issues of Reindustrialization in Tunisia.


A presentation about the “Industrial Development Initiatives of the Tunisian Ministry of Industry”


The professors from the Research Group on African Development Perspectives Bremen gave presentations on key Reindustrialization issues. Professor Karl Wohlmuth gave two presentations. In the first presentation he discussed the causes of deindustrialization in Tunisia and the various options for reindustrialization; a new strategy for industrial development has to be based on pro-active STI policies (see the PDF Wohlmuth-Tunis-2). In the second presentation Professor Wohlmuth made proposals for the establishment of STI Policy Forums for guiding the reindustrialization process in Tunisia (see the PDF Wohlmuth-STI Policy Forum).


Professor Karl Wohlmuth gave a presentation about “Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in Tunisia”


Professor Karl Wohlmuth during his presentation about the “Role of STI Policy Forums in Tunisia”


Professor Hans-Heinrich Bass gave a presentation on “Strengthening the Role of Global Value Chains for a Successful Reindustrialization Process in Tunisia”; as Tunisia has lost in economic complexity in recent years; new approaches are needed to reverse this trend. Professor Achim Gutowski, ISS Hamburg/IWIM Bremen, spoke about “Financing Innovations in Tunisia and Germany”; as Tunisia has a financing gap in industrial innovations of the private sector, there is great interest in the modes how Germany is promoting innovation financing.


Professor Hans-Heinrich Bass spoke about the “Strategies to Strengthen the Integration of Tunisia into Global Industry Value Chains”



Professor Gutowski gave a presentation about “Financing Innovations in Germany and Tunisia”

All over the conference sessions there was a lively discussion. For the Master students of the ETP programme at ENIT in Tunis a Foresight Analysis course was held as a closing session of the conference (financed by DAAD). New instruments of foresight analyses were presented as well as results from foresight studies concerning future global industrial development patterns.

Towards a New Development Model for Tunisia – A Precondition for Reindustrialization

A major outcome of the conference in Hammamet was the insight that Tunisia has to overcome the development model inherited form Ben Ali so as to solve the major economic and social problems. Five years after the Revolution this task is not achieved. The Conference Lectures started with a speech by Professor Karl Wohlmuth, Director of the Research Group on African Development Perspectives, IWIM, University of Bremen, Germany. He introduced in his presentation the theme “Deindustrialization, Reindustrialization and the Contribution of Coherent Industry and STI Policies: What are the Tasks ahead for Tunisia?”. In his presentation he considered key issues of Tunisia’s economic transformation process. The Tunisian Government is on the way to design a new development model so as to overcome the pre-revolution economic structures and modalities of policy-making (“Ben Ali legacy”). Based on the HRV (Hausmann/Rodrik/Velasco) decision tree to find out the most binding constraints to growth, the Tunisian government and international experts acknowledge that the “low appropriability” of the returns to private business activity is still the most important barrier causing low levels of investment and employment generation in the country.

As “low appropriability” of the returns to investment is caused by many factors (corruption, incoherent economic policies, confiscatory high levels of total tax rates, arbitrary administrative decision-making, lack of competition, advantages of political connectivity, privileges of state-owned enterprises, delays in implementing reforms, and excessive costs of regulation due to oversized bureaucratic structures, etc.), the task of establishing a new development model is extremely complex. Other factors retarding growth are also considered, such as human capital, infrastructure, innovation, finance, macro and micro risks, but these factors are not considered as binding as the “low appropriability” of private returns to investment factor is. On this basis Professor Karl Wohlmuth discussed the deindustrialization process of Tunisia and the options for reindustrialization, reflecting also on the role of pro-active STI policies for Tunisia  (see the full text of synopsis in PDF Wohlmuth-Abstracts and Presentation PDF Wohlmuth-Tunis-2). Although there is an ongoing debate on economic reforms in Tunisia, it is necessary to shorten drastically the extremely long implementation cycle of reform laws from Ministries to Cabinet and Parliament and then back to the Ministries and Implementation Agencies. While the reforms of the Investment Code have started already in 2009 (before the Revolution), up to now only drafts are ready at Ministerial Level, but no decision was made in Cabinet and no parliamentary debate has taken place about an approved draft. Old laws, regulations and procedures prevail.
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Wissenschaftsblog: Die strategische Rolle der Universitäten in Tunesien
Professor Karl Wohlmuth hat einen Wissenschaftsblog zum Thema „Die strategische Rolle der Universitäten in Tunesien“ verfasst. Der Professor geht auf die Rolle der Universitäten in Tunesien bei der Wirtschaftsreform und der Reindustrialisierung ein. Obwohl die Universitäten selbst unter erheblichem Reformdruck stehen, wird dennoch ein Beitrag dieser Institutionen zur Dynamisierung der tunesischen Wirtschaftsstruktur erwartet. Vgl. zu dem Blog: Wohlmuth, Karl, 2016, Die strategische Rolle der Universitäten in Tunesien, Impulse - Der Wissenschaftsblog, Universität Bremen, Webaccess: blogbeitrag__tunesien___wohlmuth_2_2018c.pdf

IMPULSE – Der Wissenschaftsblog
Der Wissenschaftsblog der Universität Bremen ist mit der erste seiner Art: Ein Blog, auf dem Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler fachübergreifend und aus ihrer Perspektive über ihre Forschung berichten.
IMPULSE – Der Wissenschaftsblog stellt wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und Zusammenhänge für die Öffentlichkeit verständlich dar. Interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger haben durch die Kommentarfunktion die Möglichkeit, direkt Kontakt zum Autor aufzunehmen und darüber möglicherweise sogar neue Fragestellungen und damit Impulse an die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zu geben.
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First German Research Day in Tunis: Professor Karl Wohlmuth participates at the Panel Discussion about Academic Cooperation Germany-Tunisia
Professor Karl Wohlmuth attended the First German Research Day in Tunis on Tuesday, 16th February 2016 as a panellist. 140 Researchers, Officials of Government and PhD Applicants exchanged views during the „First German Research Day“ held in Tunis. Many Tunisian Researchers, Officials from Government Institutions, PhD Applicants and Representatives from Research Institutions were interested to learn more about how to cooperate with universities, research foundations and research institutions in Germany. Tunisia has a large number of universities and public research centres, and most of these institutions were represented at the Conference in Tunis. The Arab Knowledge Report 2014 of UNDP gives valuable information on the scientific infrastructure of Tunisia and of other Arab countries (see: ). The scientific infrastructure of Tunisia is large and diversified, but needs more international exchanges and bridges to domestic and international enterprises. Already Tunisia is associated with the ERA (European Research Area) and Horizon 2020, the EU’s Research and Innovation Programme (see: ).

The Organizer of the Event Beate Schindler-Kovats, Director of the DAAD Office in Tunis, and Professor Karl Wohlmuth from the University of Bremen, one of the Panellists

In a Panel Discussion three main issues were discussed: How to find cooperation partners in Germany? How to shape and develop partnership programmes in research and teaching? How to develop multilateral cooperation projects? These issues were discussed by international experts: Professor Karl Wohlmuth, University of Bremen (Germany), Dr. Ramzi Ben Amara, University of Sousse (Tunisia), Professor Abdel Meguid Kassem, Cairo University (Egypt); the Panel was moderated by the Director of the DAAD Office in Tunis, Beate Schindler-Kovats.

The Four Panellists from Bremen, Tunis, Sousse, Cairo


There was also intensive reporting about the DAAD conference in Tunis (see below):

Report about the Conference:

Photo Gallery:


Der Wissenschaftsblog, Universität Bremen, Webaccess:
Übernommen von:
Artikel: Wissenschaftsblog: Die strategische Rolle der Universitäten in
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Internationale Konferenz über neue Industrialisierungsstrategien und inklusives Wachstum im Februar 2016 in Hammamet, Tunesien – Die Universität Bremen und die Hochschule Bremen setzen ihre Kooperation mit der Spitzenuniversität ENIT in Tunis fort

Acht Wissenschaftler der Universität Bremen und der Hochschule Bremen haben an einer vom tunesischen Kooperationspartner, der Spitzenuniversität ENIT, ausgerichteten Konferenz in Hammamet Vorträge gehalten. Die Konferenz hatte das Thema „Reindustrialisierung in Tunesien – Der Weg hin zu fairer und nachhaltiger Entwicklung und zu weiterer Demokratisierung“ und wurde von den deutschen und tunesischen Partnern gemeinsam geplant. Diskutiert wurden neue Industrialisierungskonzepte, die es Tunesien ermöglichen sollen, einerseits die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit seiner Industrien zu steigern und andererseits die Beschäftigung zu erhöhen. Die Arbeitslosigkeit, insbesondere auch von ausgebildeten Akademikern, ist in Tunesien sehr hoch (und sind faktisch weit höher als in den offiziellen Statistiken ausgewiesen). Effektivere Wachstums- und Beschäftigungspolitiken wurden diskutiert; diese sollen dazu beitragen, dass gleichzeitig ökonomische und soziale Ziele erreicht werden können. Zudem soll dadurch die weitere Demokratisierung in Tunesien abgesichert und verstärkt werden.

Die internationale Konferenz in Hammamet, Tunesien wurde von der tunesischen Wissenschaftsvereinigung TAASTI und vom DAAD gefördert

Zur bremischen Delegation gehörten die drei Wirtschaftsprofessoren der Forschungsgruppe Afrikanische Entwicklungsperspektiven (Professor Dr. Hans-Heinrich Bass von der Hochschule Bremen, Professor Dr. Achim Gutowski, ISS Hamburg, und Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth, FB 7, Universität Bremen). Die drei Professoren berichteten über neue Industrialisierungs- und Beschäftigungskonzepte für Tunesien sowie über Grundfragen der Förderung von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation in nationalen Innovationssystemen und in industriellen Unternehmen. Das An-Institut BIBA war durch zwei Wissenschaftler vertreten (Dr. Marco Lewandowski, in Vertretung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Thoben, und Herr Zied Ghrairi, ein gebürtiger Tunesier). Die beiden Experten berichteten über Projekte des BIBA und über die Bedeutung von Industrie 4.0 für die zukünftige Kooperation der deutschen Industrie mit Tunesien. Der Leiter von UniTransfer/BRIDGE/Technologiepark Bremen, Herr Dr. Martin Heinlein, berichtete über die Erfahrungen in Bremen, einen Technologiepark im Umfeld und in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Bremen auf- und auszubauen. Dr.-Ing. Jens Hoheisel, Ko-Managing Direktor der Innowi GmbH, Bremen, erläuterte am bremischen Beispiel, wie Patente der bremischen Hochschulen möglichst effektiv kommerzialisiert werden können. Dr. Yildiray Ogurol, Geschäftsführer des ZMML (Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre) berichtete über die neue Rolle von Online-Kursen (MOOCs) für die Lehre in Deutschland und in Tunesien und für die Weiterbildung von Managern industrieller Unternehmen.

Podiumsdiskussion in Hammamet mit Professor Karl Wohlmuth, Professor Hans-Heinrich Bass und tunesischen Konferenzteilnehmern über die Bedeutung von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation für die Reindustrialisierung in Tunesien

Auf tunesischer Seite waren an der Konferenz neben Professoren der ENIT und mehrerer tunesischer Universitäten Unternehmer, Vertreter von Ministerien, Mitarbeiter von Verbänden und Leiter von NGOs vertreten.
Teilgenommen haben auch Studierende und Dozenten des Studiengangs „Engineering and Technology Policy“ (ETP); an der Einrichtung dieses Studienganges an der ENIT in Tunis war die Forschungsgruppe Afrikanische Entwicklungsperspektiven beratend beteiligt. Auch der tunesische Arbeitgeberverband UTICA, einer der vier Friedensnobelpreisträger des Jahres 2015,  war an der Konferenz mit Referenten beteiligt. Alle bei der Konferenz abgehandelten Themen stehen jetzt in Tunesien im Zentrum der Reformdiskussion, denn seit der Revolution des Jahres 2011 sind wohl politische Reformen erfolgt, doch die so dringlichen Wirtschafts- und Sozialreformen sind bisher unterblieben. Insbesondere gilt es in Tunesien, den De-Industrialisierungsprozess besser zu managen und durch pro-aktive Re-Industrialisierungsstrategien Beschäftigung zu schaffen, was angesichts der hohen Raten der Arbeitslosigkeit in Tunesien besonders wichtig ist. Ein Themenschwerpunkt bei der Konferenz war die Wissenschafts-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik, denn die Reform des Nationalen Innovationssystems ist in Tunesien eine Voraussetzung dafür, dass die Industrie modernisiert werden kann. Zudem benötigen die tunesischen Unternehmen dringend qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte und Universitätsabsolventen, die es Tunesien ermöglichen sollen, seine Industrien effizienter in globale Wertschöpfungsketten zu integrieren. Die tunesischen Unternehmen brauchen auch Unterstützung bei F&E-Projekten, denn bislang gibt die öffentliche Forschung des Landes nur wenig Impulse für die Weiterentwicklung der industriellen Produktion (vgl. zum Programm der Konferenz die PDF ReindusConf-Booklet und zu den Abstracts der bremischen Delegation die PDF Wohlmuth Abstracts).

Im Anschluss an die  Konferenz war Professor Wohlmuth Gast beim Ersten Deutschen Forschungstag, der in Tunis vom DAAD ausgerichtet wurde. Etwa 100 tunesische Wissenschaftler wurden darüber informiert, wie bilaterale und multinationale Hochschulkooperationen initiiert, entwickelt und gemanagt werden können. An Beispielen wurde deutlich gemacht, wie tunesische, deutsche und drittstaatliche Universitäten aus Kooperationen möglichst große Vorteile ziehen können.

Professor Wohlmuth diskutierte in Tunis mit der Direktorin des DAAD und Kollegen aus Sousse und Kairo

Die tunesischen Teilnehmer am ersten Deutschen Forschungstag in Tunis waren Professoren und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter von tunesischen Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten

Professor Wohlmuth hatte in Tunis auch Treffen mit wichtigen Wirtschaftsberatern der tunesischen Regierung, mit Wirtschaftsprofessoren, mit Ministeriumsvertretern und mit Leitern von UN-Organisationen. Bei einem Expertentreffen im „Tunisian Institute for Competitiveness and Quantitative Studies/ITCEQ“ wurde über das Thema der „Wachstumsbarrieren in Tunesien“ diskutiert. Die Lage in Tunesien ist komplex und bedrohlich, weil bisher – fünf Jahre nach der Revolution vom 14. Januar 2011 -  Wirtschaftsreformen kaum durchgesetzt werden konnten. Eine fragile Regierungskoalition und schwache Institutionen verhindern Reformen und einen Wirtschaftsaufschwung. Umso wichtiger sind direkte Kontakte und Arbeitsprogramme zwischen tunesischen und deutschen Wissenschaftlern. Die Kooperation von Bremen und Tunis im Rahmen der Forschungsgruppe Afrikanische Entwicklungsperspektiven soll daher weiterentwickelt werden. So ist eine weitere Konferenz in Tunis über die Bedeutung der Innovationspolitik für die industrielle Entwicklung in Tunesien, Libyen und Algerien geplant. Tunesische Ökonomen werden auch am Band 20 des African Development Perspectives Yearbook zum Thema „Forschung, Technologie und Innnovation und inklusives Wachstum in Afrika“ mitarbeiten. Auch weitere Forschungsarbeiten im Zusammenhang mit der Erarbeitung einer „Nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie“ für Tunesien sind vorgesehen. Das BIBA und das ZMML beabsichtigen, im Rahmen von Erasmus Plus und anderen Förderprogrammen mit Wissenschaftlern und Wissenschaftlerinnen der ENIT zu kooperieren.

Es ist perspektivisch für die bremischen Universitäten sehr sinnvoll, die bereits existierenden Kooperationen zwischen Universitäten in Bremen und Tunesien zukünftig besser zu koordinieren. Es gibt bereits zahlreiche Kooperationen zwischen bremischen und tunesischen universitären Projektgruppen; ein Erfahrungsaustausch unter den  Projektleitern könnte sicherlich allen Projekten nützen. Professor Karl Wohlmuth wird sich bemühen, einen Rahmen für die Kooperation vorzuschlagen.

Die meisten Präsentationen von der Konferenz in Hammamet und die Präsentation für den Deutschen Forschungstag in Tunis sind als PDFs in diesem Bericht verfügbar:

Präsentation Karl Wohlmuth in Hammamet über Re-Industrialisierungsstrategien: PDF Wohlmuth-Tunis-2
Präsentation Karl Wohlmuth in Hammamet über STI-Politik-Foren als Instrument für Tunesien: PDF Wohlmuth-STI Policy Forum Tunisia
Präsentation Karl Wohlmuth über multilaterale universitäre Kooperationen, Deutscher Forschungstag in Tunis: PDF Wohlmuth- German Research Day
Präsentation Marco Lewandowski: PDF Tunesien BIBA
Präsentation Marrtin Heinlein: PDF Präsentation Technologiepark
Präsentation Ghriari: PDF Tunisia BIBA
Präsentation: Jens Hoheisel: PDF InnoWI Tunisia
Präsentation Yildiray Ogurol: PDF mooc-presentation

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Cooperation with ENIT, Tunis: Expert Seminar in Bremen, UNESCO Meeting in Hammamet, Further Projects in the Pipeline

The cooperation of the Research Group on African Development Perspectives at IWIM with a group of professors from ENIT/El Manar University in Tunis has seen major events in the year 2015. The Research Group is supporting the "Engineering and Technology Policy/ETP" study programme at ENIT. Outstanding event was the Expert Seminar held in Bremen. Six professors from ENIT participated over a full week at the Expert Seminar in Bremen to be informed about "The Regional Innovation System (RIS) of the Country State of Bremen, Germany: Actors, Institutions, Policies, and Processes" (see the Programme of the Expert Seminar and the Introductory Presentation by Professor Karl Wohlmuth, the organizer of the Expert Seminar in Bremen).

The involved universities and research institutes in Bremen and the press reported intensively about the Seminar; see the reports by the University of Bremen (PDF May 2015 and PDF December 2014), and the Interview with Professor Karl Wohlmuth about the project in the Magazine of the University of Bremen from July 2015, BUS Number 139 (PDF BUS 139), the reports by the University of Applied Sciences Bremen with the links: and , the report by DAAD in their Press Service with the link: , the report in the local press (PDF 1 und PDF 2), and the report on the event titled "Wissenschaftsdelegation aus Tunesien zu Besuch am BIBA" by the BIBA LogDynamics Newsletter of June 2015 with the Link: . The Minutes of the Expert Seminar (Minutes) and the Photo Gallery (Access via Dropbox) about the event are also made available. The Dropbox is in the order of the days of the Expert Seminar (Programme). A short version of the Minutes of the Fact Finding Mission to ENIT by the German core group from November 2014 is also available (see the Minutes of the Fact Finding Mission).

Professor Karl Wohlmuth was interviewed by the BUS Magazine of the University of Bremen about the Cooperation Project Bremen-Tunis (see BUS July 2015, Number 139)

Another important activity was the participation of Professor Achim Gutowski, as a representative of the Research Group on African Development Perspectives, at the UNESCO International Workshop "Inter-university networking for capacity-building in STI policy: Towards a comprehensive African master programme at the ENIT" in Hammamet, Tunisia (see the reports by UNESCO on the meeting and on the ETP programme with the links: and[showUid]=31206&cHash=87c0b463af ; all the documents for the International Workshop and about the ETP programme at ENIT can be downloaded as well as the Photo Gallery). The project is part of UNESCO's Priority Africa Programme.

Source: UNESCO, UNESCO's Priority Africa Programme

The documents are also available in PDF format: the List of participants, the Concept note, the ETP programme, the Workshop Booklet, and the Official Photo of the International Delegates .The Photo Gallery of the Meeting in Hammamet is accessible at: . Professor Dr. Achim Gutowski was appointed as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of UNESCO for this project. The media coverage of the event in Hammamet and about the ETP programme was great (see the following entries: and and and and[showUid]=31206&cHash=87c0b463af ). A detailed plan for the workshop follow-up was agreed upon since, and an online platform for STI collaboration was installed, with IWIM being part of it. At the workshop, an agreement was reached to establish a "community of practice" (COP), an online collaborative space, named the "Inter-academic network for capacity-building in STI policy". This will be a platform to share resources and learning/teaching tools among the many partners to the project.

Source: TAASTI, Workshop on Inter Academic networking for STI Policy

Other activities ongoing are the works on the MOOC programme, an Online Course on the Innovation System of the Country State of Bremen; responsible experts for this task from the German side are Professor Dr. Hans-Heinrich Bass, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, and Dr. Yildiray Ogurol, Head of the Media Center of the University of Bremen; Professor M'Henni and Professor Thouraya Guizani are the responsible persons for the Tunisian side to do the work on the MOOC. An International Conference in Tunis is planned by Professor Jelel Ezzine, ENIT/TAASTI. The main theme will be: "STI Policies in Tunisia and Economic Changes in the Region".

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Fact Finding Mission to Tunis in November 2014 by Economists from Bremen

Fact Finding Mission (FFM) by Economists from Bremen to Tunis: Cooperation with ENIT University in Tunis and with leading STI Institutions in Tunisia Envisaged

A Fact Finding Mission (FFM) to Tunisia took place in November 2014 at the invitation of Professor Ezzine, President of the Tunisian Society for the Advancement of Science, Technology and Innovation. Participants were three members of the Research Group on African Development Perspectives Bremen (Professor Hans-Heinrich Bass, Bremen; Professor Achim Gutowski, Hamburg; and Professor Karl Wohlmuth, Bremen) and from the Cultural Sciences Professor Dr. Cordula Weisskoeppel, University of Bremen. Also a young scientist from the University of Applied Sciences Bremen (from a research working group of Professor Bass) participated as a member of the team; he was responsible for drafting the detailed Minutes.

The Fact Finding Mission (FFM) gave the opportunity to study Tunisia’s National Innovation System, to discuss with representatives of Tunisian government institutions and of Higher Education and STI institutions, and to meet ENIT university staff being responsible for new study and research programmes. There was also time to discuss about the future cooperation with Professor Ezzine and his team, especially on the new study programme Engineering and Technology Policy (ETP). It was agreed to support the programme when it starts in September 2015 in Tunis, by Summer Courses, Scientific Conferences, and by specifically developed lecture modules on innovation policies. This first phase of the cooperation between Bremen and Tunis was financed by the DAAD. Professor Bass, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, was the main applicant. Further already scheduled programme components for 2015 are a Seminar in Bremen on Bremen’s Regional Innovation System and a Science, Technology, Industry and Innovation (STII) Policy Research Conference in Tunis.



The Delegations from Bremen and Tunis during their Meetings

Professor Jelel Ezzine, President of the Tunisian Association for the Advancement of Science, Technology and Innovation (TAASTI), Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Tunis (ENIT), University of Tunis El-Manar (UTM), has invited the Research Group on African Development Perspectives Bremen to cooperate on the development of a Master Degree Programme in Engineering and Technology Policy (ETP) and on the establishment of an African Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy Institute as well as on the creation of a Pan-African Innovation Ecosystem (PAIES). Tunisia’s success of its economic transformation process is dependent on progress in making STI a major force of growth and development.

Of great interest and importance for the two delegations was the meeting with ADEA (Association for the Development of Education in Africa) staff in the African Development Bank Headquarters Building in Tunis. Representatives from ADEA, the University of Bremen, the University of Applied Sciences Bremen and from ENIT University discussed about ICT education and innovation policies in Africa, about the African Development Perspectives Yearbook Project, and about a cooperation between these institutions towards establishing the ETP programme at ENIT from September 2015 onwards (see the report by ADEA about the meeting: ). Various reports on the FFM to Tunis were published in Bremen in newspapers (see PDF) and also in online journals like The European (Web Access: ). The two Universities in Bremen reported about the event in press releases (see for the Hochschule Bremen: and for the University of Bremen: ). See also the Photo Gallery for the FFM to Tunis (Photo Gallery). The Minutes of the FFM to Tunis are now available and can be sent upon request to interested experts intending to cooperate with universities in Tunisia.


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