Info Aktuelles
zum Thema: „Welternährung zwischen Mangel und Überfluss“
Ablauf: Podiumsgespräch und fünf Workshops (Wirtschaft; Finanzen; Züchtung, Naturwissenschaft und Forschung; Politik; Wasser)
Termin: 25. 10. 2013 bis 27. 10. 2013
Veranstaltungsort: Würzburger Residenz
Ort: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Raum 3119
Zeit: 31. Mai 2013, 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr
Veranstalter: Rektorat und International Office der Universität Bremen in Verbindung mit der Bremer Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Kontakt: International Office
Termin: Mai 2013
Vortrag von Professor Karl Wohlmuth (Synopse und Pressemitteilung)
Detailliertes Programm/Flyer/Web Access unter:
Info der Universität Bremen:
Info des International Office der Universität Bremen:
Pressemitteilung der Uni Bremen:
Abstract des Vortrages von Professor Karl Wohlmuth:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Wissenschaften e.V.
Seit 1988 der Region Verpflichtet – weltweit orientiert
33 Jahre Internationales Wirtschafts- und Transportforum
24. Internationales Wirtschafts- und Transportforum
zusammen mit dem Europäischen Hafentag 2013
vom 17.-19. April 2013
im Atlantic Hotel Sail City, Bremerhaven
Thema: Europa im Spannungsfeld multipolarer Herausforderungen
Schirmherr: Martin Schulz, Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments
Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Scheibe, Präsident der DGAW
Programm: PDF
Anmeldeformular: PDF
Annual Conference by UNU-WIDER (United Nations University - World Institute for Development Economics Research)
Venue: Helsinki, Finland
24 June 2013
UNU-WIDER Conference Link:
UNU-WIDER Research Programme Link:
Republic of the Sudan
University of Khartoum
Directorate for Scientific Research and Cultural Relations
The Graduate College and the Directorate of Scientific Research and Cultural Relations of the University of Khartoum organize the Annual Conference for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research
25 to 28 February 2013
Theme: “Towards a Confident Renaissance”
Venue: Friendship Hall and University of Khartoum-Main Campus
Ort und Zeit: Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, Sandstraße
10. 12. 2012,
18 - 21 Uhr
Das Programm (vgl. Programm) und die Presseerklärung (vgl. Presseerklärung) zeigen das Anliegen der Veranstalter anlässlich des Antikorruptionstages.
Protokoll der Veranstaltung: Transparenz im Rohstoffsektor
Bericht von einer Veranstaltung in Bremen am 10.12.2012, zu der die Transparency-Regionalgruppe anlässlich des Antikorruptionstages eingeladen hatte (Link zum Protokoll):
Vgl. auch den Artikel zu der Veranstaltung im Scheinwerfer 58, März 2013, 18. Jahrgang, Themenschwerpunkt: Intransparenz und Korruption im Rohstoffsektor (Link zu der Zeitschrift):
Informationsveranstaltung zur Exzellenzinitiative – Kick-off-Veranstaltung:
Der neue Rektor der Universität Bremen, Professor Dr. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, informiert am 1. November 2012 über die am gleichen Tag beginnende Förderung durch die DFG (vgl. Link zum Brief des Rektors).
Professor Dr. R. A. Alabi from Ekpoma, Nigeria (Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, Second Term), cooperating with the Research Group on African Development Perspectives (directed by Professor Karl Wohlmuth) and Dr. U. Nadirkhanov from Tashkent, Uzbekistan (DAAD Research Fellow, Second Term), cooperating with the Research Group on Eastern Europe (directed by Professor Axel Sell) will present their research findings on Wednesday, 15 August, 2012, 16-18 p.m. in the University of Bremen, Building WHS 5, Room 0.13. At 18.00 p.m. the Press is invited to interview the two researchers on their scientific work and on the conditions and developments in Nigeria and in Uzbekistan. The Full Programme with Abstracts of the Lectures is ready for download (Full Programme and Abstracts).
Our International Research Fellows Professor Alabi from Nigeria and Dr Nadirkhanov from Uzbekistan prepare for their presentations
Professor Alabi is listening to the statements and presentations
Professor Alabi and Dr. Nadirkhanov after their presentations
Dr. Nadirkhanov praises the activities of IWIM which was founded 25 years ago in August 1987
The research supervisors Professor Wohlmuth and Professor Sell with their international guests after the closure of the workshop
The presentations and/or the papers will be revised by the authors and will then be made public in due time.
It was agreed to continue the research cooperation between the research groups at the University of Bremen and the partner university institutions in Nigeria and Uzbekistan, and it was also agreed to extend the cooperation to younger researchers in Nigeria and Uzbekistan.
Identity, Economy, Power Relations and External Interests:
Old and New Challenges for Sudan and South Sudan
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Regina Pacis-Weg 3,
Halls 1, 7, 8, 9
23.-25. July 2012
Day 2, 24 July 2012
“Economy and External Interests”
Plenary Session
Towards a Strategic Framework for Economic Cooperation between Sudan and South Sudan
Karl Wohlmuth (University of Bremen, Germany), Buthaina Ahmed Elnaiem (discussant)
10:00 Tea break
Hall 1
Panel I: ‘Economic Development of the Border States in Sudan and South Sudan’
(chair: Karl Wohlmuth)
9:00 Plenary Session
• Development in the borderlands: prospects in Blue Nile and Western Bahr el Ghazal. Abubakr I.M. Hussein (Development Studies Research Institute, University of Khartoum, Sudan)
• The predicament of pastoralist economy and society in post-secession Sudan: challenges and prospects for pastoralist livelihoods in borderlands of South Kordofan. Abdalbasit Saeed (Abdalbasit Consultancy Enterprise, Khartoum, Sudan)
• Shared social values for economic cooperation between the bordering states in Sudan and South Sudan. Buthaina Ahmed Elnaiem (University of Juba/Bahri, Khartoum, Sudan)
• Oil politics of the Sudan: How relevant were the technical arguments for the location of the oil refinery in Kosti. Mom Kou Nhial Arou (University of Juba, South Sudan)