Research News IWIM

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Publications IWIM/Professor Wohlmuth acting as an Editor
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Research Areas of Professor Karl Wohlmuth

Projects in the field of research of Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth (see also: Projekte im Forschungsbereich von Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth)

•Reform Policy and Economic Reform in Sudan

•African Development Perspectives (Research Group)

•Strategies for Revitalisation of the East-European Sector of Economic Activity - Applications by the Development of East Asia for East Europe (Transformation processes in East Europe and in East Asia)

•China's role in the World Economy

•Technology and World Development



(1) Title

(2) Responsibility

(3) Content and methodology of the research project

(4) Promotion

(5) Integration into a research-alliance

(6) Publications


(1) •Reform Policy and Economic Reform in Sudan

(2) Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth, Dr. Sunita C. S. Pitamber

(3) The actual economic and social problems of Sudan will be analysed, especially the importance of the different proposals for economic policy and social policy for the economical reform of macroeconomics and sectoral economics. The consequences of the economical reform measurements for the households and the poverty situation in Sudan will be accentuated. Proposals will be made to improve the reform programmes and their implementation into Sudan. The different theoretical positions of the reform policy will be criticized. It is the aim of this research project to accompany the work of a Human Development Strategy for Sudan on the basis of the first National Human Development Report for Sudan in a critical way. Furthermore in this connection emphasis will be laid on the consequences of the reform policy to the economical and social situation of the women in Sudan.

(4) University of Bremen; DAAD; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn/Khartoum; IMDP, Khartoum and ILO, Kairo/Genf.

(5) Institute for World Economic and International Management

(6) Publications of Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth:

Wohlmuth, K. (Editor): Sudan Economy Research Group Discussion Papers (December 1999, 32 Editions).

The dissertation of Mrs. Elke Grawert (Prof. Dr. K. Wohlmuth at the Institute for World Economics and International Management) has been published in 1998 with the title: "Making a Living in Rural Sudan. Production of Women, Labour Migration of Men, and Policies for Peasants' Needs" by Macmillan Press Ltd. (Houndmills, Basingstroke, Hampshire and London). A discussion of this work can be found in edition 7 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook and in leading international Africa reviews.

The work of E. Grawert shows the changes of standards of living in North-West-Sudan in a very different theoretical and empirical way. Mrs. Sunita C. S. Pitamber of the Sudan Economy Research Group (SERG) of the IWIM analysed the official Sudanese report about the economical and social situation in 1998. For the yearbook no. 7 Mrs. Pitamber produced a study about the financing problems of female Sudanese enterprisers in the informal sector of Sudan. Since 1st July, 2000 Mrs. Pitamber is working as Senior Gender Expert for the African Development Bank in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The SERG continued the edition of Discussion Papers with the numbers 30, 31 and 32 (enter especially into: S. Chandulal: A Critical Review of the Sudanese Strategic Report, 1997: Some Questions to Real Progress, SERG Discussion Papers, Nr. 30, January 1999; S. Pitamber: Are women less entrepreneurial? A study of female micro-entrepreneurs in Khartoum, Sudan, SERG Discussion Papers, Nr. 31, April 1999).

Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth is working on a programme for a "National Human Development Strategy" and a "National Human Development for Sudan" by order of ILO and UNDP. The aim is to analyse the economical and social situation in Sudan and to find out a new strategy for a stronger development orientation of the international human help for Sudan. It is also the aim to add a report about the Sudan to the Human Development Reports of the UNDP, which are available for a lot of countries in the meantime. Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth participated at a workshop of this project in November 1998 in Khartoum, Sudan and entered into conversation with a lot of national legal advisers of the project, with representatives of the United Nations in Sudan and with authority representatives. In the meantime the first edition of the report has been published: Wohlmuth, K.: Mitarbeit am Bericht des Ministry of Social Planning (MOSP) und des United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Sudan 1st National Human Development Report (NHDR), Khartoum, October 1998, 250 Pages.


(1) African Development Perspectives (Research Group)

(2) Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth, Co-adjutors: Prof. Dr. Hans-H. Bass, Dr. Frank Messner, Achim Gutowski (Master's degree in business administration), Markus Wauschkuhn ((Master's degree in business economics), External co-adjutors: Prof. Dr. Robert Kappel, University of Leipzig; Dr. Elke Grawert, University of Bremen; Prof. Dr. Bankole Oni, NISER, Ibadan, Nigeria; Dr. Fidelis Mtatifikolo.

(3) The research group publishes the African Development Perspectives Yearbook. Furthermore African research projects will be initialised, cooperations with African institutions will be agreed and consultations will be held to commentate and value policies, programmes and projects, which are considerable for a successful development in African countries. Within the yearbook no. 7 Mrs. Grawert analysed the conditions of democratisation and the local mobilisation of the population for development projects in different rural areas of Tansania in 1998.

Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth analysed in a research project "The Basis of the New Optimism of Growth in Africa" with theoretical growth and innovation perspectives of African countries in 1998. He analysed the positive trend of growth which can be realised since a few years in some African countries. Especially interesting is the duration of this trend. First results of this research project have been published on the VAD-conference in Bayreuth in October 1998.(Further publications see publication list.)

In connection with the analysis for the edition no. 8 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook with the title "Africa's Reintegration into the World Economy" a network of research groups has been founded to be able to analyse the problem of growth-, investment- and export chances of African countries comparatively.

A study of Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth with the title "Good Governance and Economic Development. New Foundations for Growth in Africa" has been published under no. 59 in the reports of the world economic colloquium in December 1998. Aspects of good governments and growth extension are being discussed in a theoretical and empirical way. Also some articles can be found in edition 6 of the yearbook. In edition 7 of the yearbook some articles can be found concerning the newer developments in South Africa, the employment and labour policy and the peace and development policy.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Heinrich Bass analysed questions concerning the human rights and the democratisation in Africa. The results have been presented in edition 6 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook. These results are basing also on results of field research concerning the human right situation and the development of democracy in Kenia. Within a voyage of research to Ghana aspects of the extension of small business industry have been investigated.

Markus Wauschkuhn (Master's degree in business economics) analysed the small business industries in African countries very intensively, especially those of Nigeria, and presented several reports. Prof. Dr. Bankole Oni accompanied him in this field research project in Nigeria. For edition 7 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook Mr. Wauschkuhn worked out an analysis of new strategies to extend small business industries in Africa. Within a conference about development problems of Nigeria a report has been made about concepts of a new development strategy for Nigeria.

Within the research group Dr. Frank Messner worked out the significance of environment action plans for the environment policy in African countries as well as the concept of sustained development for the countries Simbabwe and Sambia. For the edition 6 of the yearbook appropriate studies have been worked out. Also analysis about a sustained development policy in African countries have been presented in a dissertation about management problems for non-renewable resources in 1998.

With the beginning of September 1998 Prof. Dr. Bankole has been the guest of the IWIM for half a year and researched for the network of universities, authorities and enterprises for the development in Nigeria, the network of the knowledge industries in Nigeria and other West-African countries and he researched for new economic strategies for a democratic Nigeria. Within the world economics colloquium Prof. Oni reported about the economical and political situation in Nigeria and about the perspectives of the "Knowledge Industry" in Nigeria. The speeches have been published in the reports of the world economics colloquium of the IWIM (see no. 60 and no. 64, reports of the world economics colloquium of the university of Bremen). A comprehensive cooperation for the future has been agreed with Prof. Oni, NISER, Ibadan.

Dr. Fidelis Mtatifikolo of the university of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, has been invited within the world economics colloquum to report about reform programmes in Africa with a special view on Tanzania and to report about new integration approaches in the South-African area at the example of COMESA. The extended report about reform programmes in Tanzania has been published in March 1998 (see Mtatifikolo, F.: "The Content and Challenges of Reform Programmes in Africa. The Case Study of Tanzania, reports of the world economics colloquum of the university of Bremen no.56, 1998). For the edition 6 of the yearbook Dr. Mtatifikolo worked out a study about the reform of the public authorities in Tanzania a part of a comprehensive economic reform policy. A further cooperation with Dr. Mtatifikolo has been planned.

A. Gutowski (Master's degree in business administration) is the book review editor of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook for actual studies, referring to good governance, democratisation and development in African countries to present literature lists in the yearbook editions of the books and reviews sent to the editor's office.

(4) University of Bremen; DAAD; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn; different international institutions, Sparkasse Bremen, Foundation "Umverteilen".

(5) Institute for World Economic and International Management

(6) Publications:

Mtatifikolo, F: The Content and Challenges of Reform Programmes in Africa – The Case Study of Tanzania, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 56, Bremen 1998 (see also Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 9. Jg. (1999), No. 87, Pages 61 - 81).

Oni, B.: The Nigerian University Today and the Challenges of the Twenty First Century, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 60, 1999.

Oni, B.: A Framework For Technological Capacity Building In Nigeria: Lessons from Developed Countries, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 64, 1999.

Wohlmuth, K. et al. (Hrsg.): African Development Perspectives Yearbook 1996, Volume 5: Regional Perspectives on Labour and Employment, LIT Verlag, Münster and Hamburg 1997.

Wohlmuth, K. et al. (Hrsg.): African Development Perspectives Yearbook 1997/98, Volume 6: Good Governance and Economic Development, LIT Verlag, Münster, Hamburg and more. 1998.

Wohlmuth, K.: Good Governance and Economic Development. New Foundations For Growth in Africa, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 59, 1998.

Wohlmuth, K. et al. (Editor): African Development Perspectives Yearbook 1999, Volume 7: Empowerment and Economic Development in Africa, LIT Verlag, Münster, Hamburg u. a. 1999.

Wohlmuth, K.: Die Grundlagen des neuen Wachstumsoptimismus in Afrika, Pages 47 - 72, in: Robert Kappel (Editor), Afrikas Wirtschaftsperspektiven. Strukturen, Reformen und Tendenzen, Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde 59, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg 1999.

Wohlmuth, K. : Espoir d' une croissance continue en Afrique, Pages 9 - 14, in: D+C Developpement et Cooperation, No. 3/1999, May/June, DSE: Frankfurt.

Wohlmuth, K.: Die Hoffnung auf anhaltendes Wachstum in Afrika, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 61, 1999.

Wohlmuth, K. et al. (Editor): African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2000/2001, Volume 8: Africa's Reintegration into the World Economy, Münster, LIT Verlag, Hamburg and London.

Please enter also into different publications to Afrika by H.-H. Bass, E. Grawert, F. Messner, F. Mtatifikolo, B. Oni, M. Wauschkuhn and K. Wohlmuth, into the publication list of this annual report or. into the publications of IWIM (compare. Cap. 7.1).


(1) Strategies for Revitalisation of the East-European Sector of Economic Activity - Applications by the Development of East Asia for East Europe (Transformation processes in East Europe and in East Asia)

(2) Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Domdey (Forschungsinstitut der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik, Berlin).

(3) Subject of the analyse are: at first more realistic strategies of the transformation of planned economies into market economies, example: East-European countries; secondly inter-regional and regional cooperation strategies for transformation support (second European Recovery Program); thirdly new forms of enterprise cooperation East-West under the conditions of transformation. Within this research project the experiences of the East-Asian countries concerning successful transformation of their economies will be used to discuss strategies for transformation of East-European countries into market economy on the basis of the methodical conception of Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth, developed in 1993 (see Wohlmuth, K.: "Die Revitalisierung des osteuropäischen Wirtschaftsraumes – Chancen für Europa und Deutschland nach der Vereinigung", reports of the world economics colloquium of the university Bremen no. 29, 1993). Also published in: Domdey, K.-H. (editor): "Europäische Integration. Grundfragen der Theorie und Politik, Berlin 1993. In particular the strategies of the successful integration of East-Asian countries into the world market, the strategies of an offensive industry and enterprise policy in East-Asia and the strategies of an active regional cooperation policy in this area will be proved in this project and possible ideas/strategy recommendations for East-Europe will be traced. Concerning the Asia crisis also the question arised, how the crisis in East-Asia can be explained and which consequences are resulting for East-Europe.

Studies concerning Korea, Taiwan, Japan and China on the one hand and Estonia, Russia, Poland and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the other hand have been published besides some more conceptive basic studies, for example : the role of regional and national innovation systems in Asia . In a research project about Korea the role of the Chaebols within the technology development of Korea has been analysed. Concerning Taiwan the cooperation between Taiwan and China have been analysed. In cooperation with the Aichi University in Toyohashi, Japan, special aspects of the Asian crisis concerning Japan were subject of the study.

Furthermore studies about the reception of the theories of Schumpeter in Japan and studies about the Japanese innovation system have been presented. Within the integration into the world market of China (see also the same project) aspects of economy and trade policy reform, the policy of direct investments, the consequences of infra-structure projects like the Three-Ravine-dam, the role of the communities of interest concerning economical-political decision-making processes, aspects of the development of financial markets and the reform of the financial sector have been discussed.

The study about the effects of the self-government-institutions within the transformation of the economy in Estonia has been finished. The consequences of the Asian crisis have been analysed concerning research and application problems for the Russian Foerderation. Also a cooperation between the Russian Academy of Siences in Nowosibirsk (Dr. A. V. Ryzhenkov) has been planned in the field of environment cooperation EU-Russia. Several studies in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Djorde Popov, University of Novi Sad have been continued about economical problems of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

In the dissertation "The Comparison of the Polish and German Tax Systems. Implications for International Locational Competitiveness" by Mrs. Beata Pawlowska, Danzig, Polen, possibilities were analysed to reform the Polish tax system for the entry into the EU under the conditons of international competitiveness. The possibilities of an improvement for the regional competitiveness with a high degree of employment and a sustained growth was another aim of this analyses. One of the main questions in this promotion project is the influence of the difference of the Polish and German tax system to the competitiveness to both countries. The importance of this question has also to be seen within the introduction of the European Currency Union and the planned entry of Poland into the EU. A part of this study reports about the influence of the tax system to non-resident's investments and to the competitiveness of regions in Poland.

It is the aim to use the economical analyse to evaluate the tax system of both countries for competitiveness. The evaluation is worked out by comparing the single areas of the tax system with the theoretical analyses of the tax theory for the competitiveness of economies and enterprises. It is of fundamental importance to see this development within the transformation process in Poland. The influence of the (early seen) entry into the EU concerning the alteration of the tax system shall be pointed out as well as the relevance of the current changes. Concerning Germany the consequences of the political changes and the introduction of the European Currency Union shall be seen.

Before Mrs. Beata Pawlowska started her dissertation at the Institute for World Economics and International Management as a scholarship student of the European Union's Phare ACE Programme she finished a traineeship in the European Commission, Directory XXI, tax and customs union.

(4) University of Bremen; Forschungsinstitut der I W V W W, Berlin; ACE- Programm der Europäischen Kommission.

(5) Institute for World Economic and International Management

(6) Publications:

Bass, H.- H.: Japans Nationales Innovationssystem: Leistungsfähigkeit und Perspektiven, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 66, 1999.

Hozumi, T.: Schumpeters Theorien in Japan: Rezeptionsgeschichte und gegenwärtige Bedeutung, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 65, 1999. (enter also to the publikation in "Berichte" des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 10. Jg., No. 95, Pages 21 - 32)

Lippold, M.: South Korean Business Giants, Organising Foreign Technology for Economic Development (Daewoo, Hyundai, LG and Samsung), Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 44, 1996 (This is the short-version of a comprehensive work of the editor, published 1997 by M. Hagemeister in German in "Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 7. Jg. (1997), No. 61, Pages 31 - 63 and "Berichte", 7. Jg. (1997), No. 62, Pages 51 - 56; enter also to M. Hagemeister, 1999: The Four Largest South Korean Business Groups and Foreign Technology: Acquisition of Technology and Foreign Direct Investment, Pages 59 - 79, in: Prometheus, Vol. 17, No. 1).

Popov, D.:Die Integration der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien in die Weltwirtschaft nach Aufhebung der Sanktionen des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen – Perspektiven und Schwierigkeiten -, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No 43, 1996 (1997 published in "Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V.", Berlin, 7. Jg. (1997), No. 55, Pages 55 - 66 and "Berichte", 7. Jg. (1997), No. 56, Pages 38 - 48).

Popov, D.: Auslandsinvestitionen in der BR Jugoslawien, Nr. 57, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, 1998. (and published in "Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V.", Berlin, 9. Jg., No. 81, Pages 48 - 69)

Schumacher, T.: Bedeutung, Probleme und Perspektiven der wirtschaftlichen Selbstverwaltung im Rahmen des Transformationsprozesses in der Republik Estland am Beispiel des Aufbaus der estnischen Industrie- und Handelskammer, Dissertation, University of Bremen, Bremen 1996. (enter also to the publikation: Transformation und wirtschaftliche Selbstverwaltung – das Beispiel Estland, Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang Verlag 1997).

To studies about the world market integration und the economy reform in China and the concept of this development for other countries see into different publications of H.-H. Bass and A. Gutowski in the publication list of this report or see the following information in the project "China in der Weltwirtschaft". The studies of H.-H. Bass content mainly the themes "World Market Integration" and "External Economic Relations". The studies of A. Gutowski content mainly questions about the influence of interest groups on the economic policy of China as well as problems of enterprise cooperation with Chinese companies and consequences of global dimensions of great infrastructure projects in China.

Conceptional Studies / Regional Studies:

Schauf, T.: Schumpeter und die Dynamik der asiatischen Wirtschaftsentwicklung – Schritte hin zu einem besseren Verständnis der Zusammenhänge, Pages 47 - 52, in: Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 10. Jg. (2000), No. 95.

Wohlmuth, K.: Global Competition and Asian Economic Development. Some Neo-Schumpeterian Approaches and their Relevance. Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 63, 1999, (enter also to K. Wohlmuth: Asian Economic Development: A Role for National or Regional Innovation Systems?, Pages 33 - 46, in: Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 10. Jg. (2000), No. 95.

Wohlmuth, K.: Globalisierung und Weltwirtschaftspolitik, Pages 14 - 15, in: Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 10. Jg. (2000), No. 90.


(1) China within the World Economy

(2) Prof. Dr. K. Wohlmuth, Dr. H.-H. Bass (since February 2000 Professor of the University of Bremen), Dr. rer. pol. Feng Wei, M. Wauschkuhn, A. Gutowski, Prof. J. Li, Jinlin University, Chang Chun, People's Republic of China (guest-professor and cooperation-partner).

(3) In this research project the trends and perspectives of China's integration into the world market will be analysed especially in the fields of trade, financial markets, direct investments, enterprise cooperation, technology transfers as well as chances and problems in the field of project cooperation. Also the consequences towards "Greater China" (including SAR Hongkong, Taiwan and the role of foreign Chinese capital investors) in the regional development in China will be systematically analysed

In an important part-project of Mr. Feng Wei the fiscal-sector-reform in China has been analysed and concrete reform proposals have been made, which are now being discussed by Chinese authorities. The field research project of Mr. Wei in China has been supported by the Wolfgang-Ritter-Stiftung in Bremen. Within this research project Mr. Wei spent the months May and June 1997 in China and in Hongkong. There he organized interviews with the central bank, with commercial banks, with stock markets and supervisory offices. In April 1998 results of his field research project have been reported within the world economic colloquium of the IWIM with the theme "The problem of suffering credits in the Chinese banking system". Within his dissertation Mr. Feng Wei analysed the possibilities and limits of the interest rate liberalisation in China as a demand of a top-to-bottom-reform of the financial sector. with the theme "Financial Market Liberalisation, Economic Development and Systems Transformation in China". He analysed especially the possibilities for a solution for problems of suffering credits in China, the transposition and the sequencing of the interest liberalization; the effects of the financial crisis in Asia for the bank and finance reform as well as it's economical-political consequences. In the discussion papers of the study field "China Research" a first report (no. 8) of Mr. Feng Wei has been published in 1997. The dissertation has been completed in the meantime and has been presented in the publication of the Institute for World Economics and International Management in edition no. 6.

Further themes of research are: • "Die Auswirkungen der Finanzsektorreformen auf die Markt- und Risikopolitik chinesischer Geschäftsbanken", Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 9. • "Die Rolle von Unternehmerinnen in China", Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 10. • "Wirtschaftskooperation zwischen Festlandchina und Taiwan – Potentiale und Grenzen", Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 11. • "Kooperationsmöglichkeiten für ausländische Unternehmen in der VR China", Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 12. • "Exportdynamik in Taiwan und in Festlandchina. Ein Schumpeterianischer Erklärungsansatz", Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 13. • "Interessengruppen und wirtschaftspolitische Reformen in der VR China", Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 14. • "Der Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm. Regionale und globale Implikationen", Materialien des Universitätsschwerpunkts Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und Internationales Management, No. 19.

The results of the research project have been published in "Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung" im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management" (Editors: H.-H. Bass and Prof. K. Wohlmuth) and in external publications, like "Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der IWVWW, Berlin, and also in the editions of the IWIM. A ongoing cooperation has been agreed with Prof. Dr. H.-H. Bass, head of the international course of study "economics" of the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen, in respect to further publications of "China Research".

Members of the research group attended at different conferences, meetings and workshops about China and organized expeditions and consultings to China and Hongkong. Especially the work of Prof. Dr. Brass for the WWF about the analyse of the consequences of direct investments in China to the environment has to be mentioned.

The guest-professor Prof. J. Li of the Jin Lin University in Chang Chun in China researched about the reform of public enterprises in China and about the consequences of the introduction of the Euro to China during his stay in Bremen. Together with Prof. Dr. Bass Prof. Li teached about "China's Economy and it's Role in the World Economy (summer 1999). He reported to the "Reform of Chinese State-owned Enterprises: Its Experience and Prospects" on the 09.06.1999 in the colloquium about world economy and presented his research report about "Chinese Economic Development and China-EU Relations" at the end of his stay in Bremen. In this research report the perspectives of the trade relations and the financial operations between China and the EU after the introduction of the Euro have been analysed.

The dissertation projects at the institute of M. Wauschkuhn "Tele-communication as a leading sector in the Chinese development" and of A. Gutowski "Local conditions for direct investments in China and in India as a comparison" are in a progressive process.

The projects and initiatives of Prof. Dr. Bass about "Human rights in China" and "The role of codes of good practice for foreign enterprises in China" have to be mentioned especially. These projects are connecting to well known former studies (see edition no. 6, in: Berichte des Arbeitsbereiches Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management).

(4) University of Bremen; Wolfgang-Ritter-Stiftung; EU-China Foundation, Uppsala/London; Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung; Sparkasse Bremen; Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen e.V..

(5) Institute for World Economic and International Management

(6) Publications:

Bass, H.-H.: Wirtschaftskooperation zwischen Festlandchina und Taiwan – Potentiale und Grenzen, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 11, 1998.

Bass, H.-H.: Export Dynamics in Taiwan and Mainland China, 1950s-2000: A Schumpeterian Approach, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 13, 1999.

Gutowski, A./Tang, X.: Kooperationsmöglichkeiten für ausländische Unternehmen in der VR China, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 12, 1998; see also Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 9. Jg. (1999), No. 82, Pages 45 - 59.

Gutowski, A.: Interessengruppen und wirtschaftspolitische Reformen in der VR China, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung, No. 14, 1999 (see also Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 10. Jg. (2000), No. 94, Pages 51 - 60 and Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 10. Jg. (2000), No. 95, Pages 68 - 76.

Linnemann, M.: Women Business Owners in China. Results of a Survey, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 10, 1998.

Yu, Z. K.: Auswirkungen der Finanzsektorreformen auf die Markt- und Risikopolitik chinesischer Geschäftsbanken, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No.9, Bremen 1997.

Wei, F.: A Preliminary Survey of China's Interest Rate Management – The Necessity of Interest Rate Liberalisation, Berichte des Arbeitsbereichs Chinaforschung im Institut für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, No. 8, 1997.

Wei, F.: China's Financial Sector Reform in the Transition to a Market Economy, Key Issues and Policy Options, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management, Band 6, LIT Verlag, Münster, Hamburg a. o.. 2000.

Please enter also into the reports of the research field "China research" in the Institute for World Economics and International Management (Ch. 7.1.4) as well as the different publications of Mr. Feng Wie, Mr. H.-H. Bass and A. Gutowski about China in the publication report of this year.


(1) Technology and Development of World Economy

(2) Prof. Dr. K. Wohlmuth

(3) In this project the new conditions of world economic have been researched, like configurations and constellations of the international innovation competitors. The methodical basis is the work of J. Schumpeter and his new ways of analysing the national innovation systems, the global innovation competitors and the international innovation cycles. Especially the new general economic setting of the international innovation competitors has been analysed, like development of the WTO in the field of technological services, increasing openness and interdependence of national innovation systems, globalisation of financial markets and interdependencies with new systems of innovation financing, regional developments in greater regions of world economic (EU, APEC, NAFTA) and innovation dynamic. Furthermore the new behavior pattern and strategies of global actors have been analysed within the international innovation competitor situation, especially the trans-national groups and the trans-national banks and governments.

Within this research project there exists an cooperation with the Aichi University in Toyohashi, Japan. Study groups of both universities are working at the project "Schumpeter and the Dynamic of Development in the Asian-Pacific Area". The first conference to this theme in Bremen took place in September 1998 and the publication of the extended conference documents followed in a binding form (publisher: LIT Verlag 2000). This conference could be prepared in March 1997 during an expedition of the head of the research project in cooperation with the partner in Japan and especially the head of the Japanese study group, Prof. T. Hozumi, has to be mentioned for his assistance. The stay could also be used for studies in the Schumpeter-archives of the Hitotsubashi-University and for discussions in the MITI, the Japanese ministry of trade and industry, about the Japanese technology and trade policy.

The intensive cooperation between both universities makes it possible to improve and develop the research results continuously. In September 2000 another conference between both universities took place in Toyohashi, Japan. The most important analysis of this scientific work of the second conference of the study group was the explanation of the Asian crisis with instruments of the analysis of Schumpeter. The theme of global innovation competitors was also the content of the 6th annual economic conference of the IWIM in November 1999. With the theme: "Innovation as a Key Factor of a Successful Economic Location. National and regional innovation systems in the global competition" these important aspects of globalisation and the connections between national innovation systems and private enterprise strategies have been presented to a broad public of economy, science and policy. A publication of the conference results has been presented in August 2000.

Within the initiative "Bremen within the Globalisation" of the IWIM the consequences of the global world economical and technological development to Bremen have been analysed. In several studies the consequences to the economic structure and policy have been shown. Especially the results of the 5th annual economic conference in 1997 to the theme "Bremen in the national and international location competition" have to be mentioned.

(4) University of Bremen; Japanese Foundations (proposals of the cooperation partners); Wolgang-Ritter-Stiftung; Senator für Wirtschaft und Häfen.

(5) Institute for World Economics and International Management

(6) Publications:

Bass, H.-H.: J. A. Schumpeter. Eine Einführung (Gastvorlesungen an der Aichi Universität, Toyohashi/Japan), Materialien des Universitäts-schwerpunktes "Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und Internationales Management", No. 12, 1998 .

Bass, H.-H.: Japans Nationales Innovationssystem: Leistungsfähigkeit und Perspektiven, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 66, 1999.

Gutowski, A.: Innovation als Schlüsselfaktor eines erfolgreichen Wirtschaftsstandortes – nationale und regionale Innovationssysteme im globalen Wettbewerb, No. 17, Materialien des Universitätsschwerpunktes "Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und Internationales Management", 1999.

Hozumi, T.: Schumpeters Theorien in Japan: Rezeptionsgeschichte und gegenwärtige Bedeutung, Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 65, 1999.

Staroske, U./Wiegand-Kottisch, M./Wohlmuth, K. (Editors): Innovation als Schlüsselfaktor eines erfolgreichen Wirtschaftsstandortes – Nationale und regionale Innovationssysteme im globalen Wettbewerb, LIT Verlag, Münster, Hamburg a. o.. 2000.

Wiegand, M./ Wohlmuth, K. (Editors): Die Thesen der 5. Jahreswirtschaftstagung, Materialien des Universitätsschwerpunktes Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, No. 11, 1997.

Wiegand, M./Wohlmuth, K. (Editors): Bremen im nationalen und internationalen Standortwettbewerb, LIT Verlag, Münster, Hamburg a. o.. 1998.

Wohlmuth, K.,Wiegand, M. und von Lemper, A. (Pages 33 - 55), see also in "Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V.", Berlin, No. 72 and No. 73, the conference-reports of Wauschkuhn, M. and Sell, A. as well as Zachcial, M.

Wohlmuth, K.: Bremen im nationalen und internationalen Standortwettbewerb, Eröffnungsrede, in: Wiegand, M./Wohlmuth, K., a. a. O., 1998.

Wohlmuth, K.: Bremen im nationalen und internationalen Standortwettbewerb, eine Einführung, in: Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, 8. Jg. (1998), No. 71.

In this edition are also the publications of Wohlmuth, K./Hozumi, T. (Editors): Schumpeter and the Dynamics of Asian Development, LIT Verlag, Münster, Hamburg a. o. 2000.

Wohlmuth, K., Asian Economic Development – A Role for National Or Regional Innovation Systems?, in: Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., Berlin, June 2000, Pages 33 - 46.

Wohlmuth, K.: Global Competition and Asian Economic Development. Some Neo-Schumpeterian Approaches and their Relevance. Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, No. 63, 1999. (see also in: Wohlmuth, K./Hozumi, T., a. a. O., 2000)

Wohlmuth, K.: Global Competition and Asian Economic Development. Some Neo-Schumpeterian Approaches and their Relevance, in: Wohlmuth, K./Hozumi, T. (Editors): Schumpeter and the Dynamics of Asian Development, LIT Verlag, Münster, Hamburg and London 2000.

Wohlmuth, K.: Globalisierung und Weltwirtschaftspolitik, Pages 14-15, in: Berichte des Forschungsinstituts der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (IWVWW) e. V., 9. Jg., No. 90, Thema: "IWVWW zum Jahr 2000", Januar 2000.

Wohlmuth, K.: Opening Speech, in: Wohlmuth, K./Hozumi, T., a. a. O, 2000.

Wohlmuth, K.: Eröffnungsrede, in: Staroske, U./Wiegand-Kottisch, M./Wohlmuth, K.: Innovation als Schlüsselfaktor eines erfolgreichen Wirtschaftsstandortes – Nationale und regionale Innovationssysteme im globalen Wettbewerb, LIT Verlag Münster, Hamburg a. o. 2000.


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